I would like to invite you to listen to Jim Reeves as he sings some favorite Afrikaans love songs. He was very popular in Southern Africa, and most of his million selling records were sold there. About 17 million.
EK HET OOK NOG ‘N WEBSITE WAAR DAAR BAIE AFRIKAANS LIEDE IS: favourite-love-songs.com (“favourite” with the English spelling)
1. Daar doer in die bosveld
This is about living in the bushveld, where there is peace and rest.
This is about the Boer War, when a guy is away from his girlfriend Sarie Marais, and is longing to see her again.
3. Jy is my liefling – You are my love
Here he sings it in English too, although it is not quite the same words.
This is about a guy longing to go back to the farm where he was born. I have noticed on the internet, that a lot of farmers are being killed in South Africa. Someone told me, that since Mandela took over, over 50,000 white people have been killed in South Africa.
5. Die blonde matroos (The blond sailor)
The words listed are not the same as what Jim Reeves is singing!
A person longing to go back to the far away land, where everything is nice, with the sun shining, and the waves crashing in the sea.
Plod along old horse, let’s go back to the farm where we can feel relaxed. The people in the city don’t speak our language.
He wants to spend a nice quiet hour with his girl.
9. In die skadu van ou Tafelberg
There is something very majestic about Table Mountain in Cape Town.
They say love is blind, and his guys heart is blinded by love.
I long for you. Jim sings some English words too.
12. Jim Reeves sings an Afrikaans song – Ding dong
People have told me, that in the old days, when a guy went to visit a girl, that there would be a candle burning, and when it was finished burning, it was time for him to leave.
Here Jim Reeves sings partly in Afrikaans, and partly in English.
14. Nooientjie van die ou Transvaal
A guy is longing for his girlfriend who lives in the Transvaal province.
The Boland is the high country east of Cape Town. We were in a snow storm once in Ceres.
I also have a gospel site where Jim Reeves sings gospel songs, and South African singers sing gospel songs in the Afrikaans language. Visit us at: countrygospelandbible.com