I feel that Jim Reeves sings songs of faith with so much sincerity. Some of the old hymns feel so much nicer the way he sings them, compared with the way I have heard them in church.
We used to sing this one a lot when we were kids.
I only heard this song as I was doing this web page, but it feels real good. I hope Mr. Reeves made it through the pearly gates. The person who loaded this one did a real good job with the art. Such lovely pictures.
Recently there has been a tremendous drought across the USA, and it makes me wonder about the laws of God. In the scriptures, God says that every seventh year, the ground it suppoed to be left alone to rest, but I don’t think anybody obeys the laws of God. I think Jim does this song so nice.
This song had so much meaning to me when I was young.
One man told me that my singing was not worth listening to, and it hurt me real bad. Maybe God likes my singing, I don’t know. Thinking about it, I did sell a few thousand records, so maybe some people did like my singing.
To me, Jim Reeves sings this song of faith with way more sincerity than I have heard it in any church.
7. The flowers, the sunset, the trees
I love the sunsets. God used to talk to Adam and Eve in the cool of the evening.
I met a preacher once, who claimed that Jim was anti church because of the song “My Cathedral.” Later on, thinking about it, Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane. Did that make Jesus anti church? Some people have weird ideas.
When I hear this song, my mind goes back to when I was a kid, and the house we were living in, and my parents bedroom. To me, songs paint pictures in my mind.
10. Jim Reeves songs of faith – A beautiful life
Let us try and help one another. So many people have helped me in my life. Thank you very much.
11. May the good Lord bless and keep you
Beloved, I wish above all things, that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. That is one of my favorite Bible verses.
This song was written by George Beverly Shea, who used to sing at the Billy Graham meetings.
I also have a Gospel web site. If you want to check it out, go to: http://countrygospelandbible.com/