Here are some of my favorite love songs sung by Miss Patti Page. Her real name is Clara Ann Fowler. She was a big hit in the “old days” before I started listening to the radio, and she sings some real nice songs. I hope you enjoy my selection.
A poor man’s roses (or a rich man’s gold)
Accentuate the affirmative – with Jo Stafford
Country and western hits – Dark moon, Faded love, Just because, Jealous heart, Mom and Dad’s waltz, Walking the floor over you, Have I told you lately that I love you, Please help me I’m falling, I walk the line, You all come, Crazy arms, Release me.
Don’t fence me in – With Perry Como
How much is that doggie in the window
I want to be a cowboy’s sweetheart
Mockin’ Bird Hill – On the ‘Country Road’ show – when she is older
Precious memories – with George Jones
Raindrops keep falling on my head
Scarlet ribbons (for her hair)
The rose – My favorite love song by Patti Page
What a friend we have in Jesus
Patti Page has a lot more favorite love songs on the internet that I have not heard yet, so happy searching, if you like her singing and personality.