Top Priority – Comic

There is a reason for this comic.  When I was in my early twenties, I had a dream one night where I stood before the Lord, and the Lord said: “What did you do for Me?” So I replied: “I went to church.” He said: “That wasn’t for me, that was for yourself, you are the one who got a blessing out of it. What did you do for Me?” So I said: “I read the Bible.” The Lord said: “That was for yourself, you are the one who got a blessing out of it. What did you do for Me?” Then it dawned on me that I had never won any souls for Jesus. I went to religious meetings 7 to 10 times a week. I read the Bible when I was a teenager. I knew hundreds of songs. I even knew most of the numbers off by heart, and what key each song was in, but I had never won any souls for Jesus. So that is what inspired me to ask a girl at work to go to church. When she gave her heart to Jesus, her life changed. For the first time, I saw a life change in front of my own eyes, and I later left my job and went out singing for Jesus, and trying to win souls for Him. I can’t remember why I called this comic Top Priority, but I guess it is because being saved is the most important thing in the whole world! Won’t you give your life to Christ today?

I also have a gospel website, if you would like to check it out: